Thursday, February 11, 2010

Opera Browser Coming to iPhone

Opera Browser Coming to iPhone

opera on iphoneIf you want to browse the web on your iPhone (or iPod Touch or the upcoming iPad), the only option is the built-in Safari browser because Apple, until now, won’t approve other browser apps in their iTunes store.

Opera, hoping that Apple will change their policy, has developed a version of the Opera Mini browser for the iPhone and they’ll showing a preview of this iPhone App during the Mobile World Congress that happens in Barcelona next week.

An email from Opera PR says:

“We are thrilled to offer journalists and partners an exclusive preview of Opera Mini for iPhone during the year’s biggest mobile event,” said Jon von Tetzchner, Co-founder, Opera Software.

Safari vs. Opera for iPhone

Opera says Opera Mini for iPhone offers up to six times faster download speeds than Apple’s own browser, and up to 10 times smaller data traffic.

The Opera Mini for iPhone will only be shown to members of the press but Apple will have to approve the app for everyone else to experience Opera on their iPods and iPhones.

That may not happen anytime soon as Opera is yet to submit their Opera Mini iPhone App to the Apple App Store for approval.

Finding The Time To Blog

Dear Blog,

  I must apologize for my lack of commitment lately. Between prospecting for new clients and trying to keep my closings on track I just haven't had time to fill you in on my day-to-day activities. I promise I can change, can you forgive me?



  Now that I have taken care of the apologies, lets get to the point! I often find myself "blogging" great topics in my head, unfortunately I must admit, not even half make it to my laptop and ultimately to the internet where they belong. My problem lies in finding the time to actually sit down and just get to work.

  Well this year I have finally decided to make blogging a priority as so many of you already have. In my "planning" I have made a list of three ideal times and places where I might be able to sneak a few paragraphs without effecting my day dramatically and I would like to share them with you. Please feel free to comment with your preferred "quick blog" places as well, I need all the help I can get!

 1. On an airplane/trip-  Use those dreadful hours in the air to get ahead on your blog.  (I'm on a plane back to Pittsburgh right now, so it works!)

2. Meals out- Anytime you find yourself eating lunch or dinner alone, take your laptop or net book along. Many area's and restaurants provide free wifi. That means when your finished blogging (& eating) you can publish it immediately. Instant gratification.

3. Waiting- Blog while waiting on clients, kids, or your spouse. Especially in the car, trade in those 5 min of mediocre radio play for 5 minutes blogging whats on your mind. It makes the time fly by and does not cut into your daily schedule.

 With some simple planning blogging can be a quick and easy method to advance your career and hopefully land some clients as well. So get out there and blog already!

 Travis Broadwater